Archive for May, 2012


Posted: May 9, 2012 in Home


Wandering out of a long hibernation, now hungry.

dig., the handmade literary zine, seeks submissions for its prodigal issue, #13.

Each copy of this issue will be a unique hand-crafted art object in a limited, numbered edition of 200.

Visit dig. for information on past issues.

Send your poems, stories, writing that defies categorical boxes, ideas for interviews or profiles, or other text-based work before the end of 2012. dig.’s editorial mandate does not adhere to any particular school of thought, just leans toward publishing the new, the exciting, the goose bump-mongering.

This project is a ridiculous labour of love, and as such, pays in copies and gratitude, and perhaps a scrap of Canlit street cred.

dig.#13 will be tangible in 2013.

Email your work to or send it the old way, with stickers on the envelope and a SASE, mail art style, to:

c/o Jennifer LoveGrove
1022 Manitou Rd.
Haliburton ON
K0M 1S0

There’s a Facebook group for dig.
Twitter hashtag #dig13 or Tweet toward @jenlovegrove52